Gracehill Afterschool Club Ballymena had a very busy few weeks. Christmas Craic at the club was fantastic. The children began at the start of December putting up the Christmas decorations. The adults were very excited too. The coloured lights were put on the trees and the beautiful baubles were added. It was then time for the other decorations to be made. Great fun was had by the children when making paper chains. These looked great when we put them up in the afterschool club. It was beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Christmas Craic continued at Gracehill Ballymena with the display work. Santa’s postbox was painted all ready for the letters from the boys and girls. The little elf was looking well in his green hat and outfit. Snowmen were painted and made from bottle tops. Santa’s naughty and nice list was written. The staff all ended up on the naughty list for some reason! A lovely colourful, Christmas display was completed as part of Gracehill’s Christmas Craic.

Christmas wouldn’t be complete without a dinner. The staff prepared and cooked a lovely Christmas dinner with all the trimmings. The children who were in club on the last day before our holidays enjoyed this yummy dinner. The pudding was even better. Ice cream and a Cadbury’s flake. Delicious!

Christmas Craic at Gracehill afterschool club was finished off with a few party games. Musical chairs and statues was enjoyed and pass the parcel went down a treat. A few nibbles were eaten in the afternoon along with a movie to finish off the day.

Gracehill afterschool club had fantastic Christmas Craic this year!